Book Multicultural Literature for Latino Bilingual Children by Howard L. Smith DJV, FB2, EPUB


While there are volumes that fall into the category of children s literature, there appears to be relatively few that explore the needs of bilingual learners and the linguistic and sociocultural context of Latino children s literature. This volume makes a needed contribution by addressing the social, cultural, academic, and linguistic needs of Latino bilingual learners who are still underserved through current school practices. We aim to conceptualize different forms of social knowledge so that they can serve as cultural resources for learning, acquiring knowledge, and transforming self and identity. This volume presents a balance of theory, research, and practice that speak to authentic multicultural Latino literature and helps ensure its availability for all students. The intended outcome of this volume then is to create a heightened awareness of the cultural and linguistic capital held by the Latino community, to increase Latino students social capital through the design of critical pedagogical practices, and for the formulation of a new perspective, that of Latino multicultural literature for children."

Multicultural Literature for Latino Bilingual Children download EPUB, MOBI, DOC

The authors show how organizing groups build the participation and leadership of parents and students so they can become powerful actors in school improvement efforts.By showing that young people are deeply committed to education but often critical of the kind of education they are receiving, this book highlights the dishonesty of public claims that they do not value education.The two voices that alternate in this narrative of traumathe quotidian voice of the poet and a ritual voice of invocationqueer the story in the most profound way.Roberta Uno has carefully selected monologues that represent African-American, Native American, Latino, and Asian-American identities.The 12-chapter introductory program takes a highly practicalapproach with a simple chapter structure, activities that studentsfind relevant and reflective of everyday conversations, easy accessto media including new video segments, a wealth of teaching,learning, and practice resources in WileyPLUS, and an online livelanguage coaching option.As the volume's framing device, "blacktino" grounds the specificities of black and brown social and political relations while allowing the contributors to maintain the goals of queer-of-color critique.Early on, she learned to navigate between an unpredictable home life and school where she excelled.Drawing on autobiographies and memoirs by fellow black educators, state educational records, papers from civil rights organizations, and oral histories, Charron argues that the schoolhouse served as an important institutional base for the movement.Employing and smudging elements of poetry, prose and memoir, BLACK LAVENDER MILK offers the space of a 'novel' as a site of mourning, inquiry and recuperation.The son of an illiterate Latino father and a working class Anglo mother, Jason's youth was marked by chaos and abuse, abandonment and disappointment.For several decades, these regions produced flourishing farms, towns, railroad lines, and dirt and gravel roads.They also dramatize experiences common to everyone: illness, grief, guilt, and familial and romantic love.Following the strange twists and turnings of this tale, Catherine J.But organizing groups do not just demand change.